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A Knowledge-based Algorithm for the Internet Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) (journal version)
Freek Stulp and Rineke Verbrugge. A Knowledge-based Algorithm for the Internet Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) (journal version). Bulletin of Economic Research, 54(1):69–94, January 2002. Blackwell Publishers Ltd, Oxford, UK and Boston, USA
Using a knowledge-based approach, we derive a protocol for the sequence transmission problem, which provides a high-level model of the Internet protocol TCP. The knowledge-based protocol is correct for communication media where deletion and reordering errors may occur. Furthermore, it is shown that both sender and receiver eventually attain depth n knowledge about the values of the messages for any n, but that common knowledge about the messages is not attainable.
  title                    = {A Knowledge-based Algorithm for the Internet Transmission Control Protocol ({TCP}) (journal version)},
  author                   = {Freek Stulp and Rineke Verbrugge},
  journal                  = {Bulletin of Economic Research},
  year                     = {2002},
  month                    = {January},
  note                     = {Blackwell Publishers Ltd, Oxford, {UK} and Boston, {USA}},
  number                   = {1},
  pages                    = {69-94},
  volume                   = {54},
  abstract                 = {Using a knowledge-based approach, we derive a protocol for the sequence transmission problem, which provides a high-level model of the Internet protocol TCP. The knowledge-based protocol is correct for communication media where deletion and reordering errors may occur. Furthermore, it is shown that both sender and receiver eventually attain depth n knowledge about the values of the messages for any n, but that common knowledge about the messages is not attainable.},
  bib2html_pubtype         = {Journal},
  bib2html_rescat          = {Knowledge-based Analysis of the Transmission Control Protocol},
  file                     = {stulp02knowledgebased.pdf:http\://\\~freeks/tcp/stulp02knowledgebased.pdf:PDF}

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